Oplev en ny verden af banebrydende wellness behandlinger.
“Welcome to the home of biohacking, where we believe in taking a holistic approach to health and wellness.
We use various biohacking techniques to assist our clients in achieving their health goals. Our approach to healthcare is distinct; we are dedicated to keeping up with cutting-edge research and innovation. We invest a significant amount of time researching and evaluating new technologies to ensure that we can offer our clients the most effective and groundbreaking treatments available.
At our clinic, we specialize in natural treatments that promote healing, rejuvenation, and vitality. Our treatments are non-invasive, safe, and effective, enabling our clients to enjoy the benefits of biohacking.
We acknowledge that true beauty stems from within. We believe that physical and mental health, as well as beauty, are all interrelated. Our treatments are designed to help the mind and body, promoting overall health and well-being in all aspects of our clients’ lives.
We understand that each individual has unique requirements and goals, which is why we take a personalized approach to care. We collaborate closely with each client to develop a bespoke treatment plan that is tailored to their specific needs and goals.
If you want to increase your energy levels, boost your immune system, or improve your mental clarity, we can help you achieve your objectives.”
Diana V. – The founder
Mød vores ambassadører
Astrid Elbo
Solo danser i Den Kongelige Ballet
Uddannelse: Det Kongelige Teaters Balletskole, 2001-10
Karriere: Ansat som aspirant ved Den Kongelige Ballet i 2010, som korpsdanser i 2012 og udnævnt til solist i 2018
“Mit navn er Astrid Elbo og jeg er solodanser ved den kongelige ballet. Jeg begyndte at komme ved Nord Beauty, fordi jeg var interesseret i at prøve cryoterapi.”…
Klik på knappen og se hele interviewet.
Prudence Davis
Health Impactor
“Jeg tror på, at et meningsfuldt liv er stærkt påvirket af vores mentale og fysiske velbefindende. I de senere år er behovet for at inspirere og hjælpe andre til at forstå vigtigheden af sundhed i deres dagligdag vokset markant. Hvad enten det er psykiske smerter, stress eller kosmetiske problemstillinger som vægttab og følelsesmæssig spisning, er det især de langsigtede forandringer, jeg finder interessante, og hvordan sådanne kan implementeres i menneskers liv med udgangspunkt i hverdags miljøet og kognitive processer.
Min tilgang er forankret i mine personlige erfaringer sammen med min brede vifte af uddannelsesmæssig baggrund om sundhed….”